Pesticides at work

The cross-border investigation on ‘Pesticides at work’ is coordinated by Investigative Reporting Denmark, edited by Le Monde and Katharine Quarmby, and made in collaboration with journalists from Le Monde in France, Knack in Belgium, Tygodnik Powszechny in Poland, Ostro in Croatia and Slovenia, IRPI in Italy, De Groene Amsterdammer in The Netherlands, Ippen Investigativ in Germany, Marcos Garcia Rey from Spain and The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting in US. The investigation is supported by and IJ4EU.

16th of February 2022:

Le Monde:

Poisoned farmers: exposing the myth of pesticide protection

Pesticide victims left to fend for themselves

Investigative Reporting Denmark:

Poisoned farmers: exposing the myth of pesticide protection

Pesticide victims left to fend for themselves


Oštro Hrvatska: Pesticidi na poslu: hrvatski poljoprivrednici bez odštete zbog izloženosti otrovima

Oštro Slovenia: Pesticidi na delu: Porozna zaščitna obleka

IJ4EU: Agricultural workers across Europe are not protected from pesticides

Journalismfund: Pesticides at work

IrpiMedia Italy: Agricoltori a rischio: il mito dei dispositivi di protezione contro i pesticidi

Knack Belgium: Beschermingskledij tegen pesticiden werkt niet: riskeren boeren parkinson?

Buzzfeed Germany: Pestizide: Wie Landwirte und Winzer vergeblich um Entschädigung kämpfen

De Groenne Amsterdammer The Netherlands: Pesticiden en Parkinson ‘De norm deugt niet’

Tygodnik Powszechny Poland: Wystawieni

EUObserver Bruxelles: Probing for a pesticides link to Parkinson’s disease

The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting US: Poisoned farmers: exposing the myth of pesticide protection in Europe

The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting US: European pesticide victims left to fend for themselves

17th of February 2022:

Le Monde France:

Pesticides : la lutte kafkaïenne d’un malade de Parkinson contre le système agricole

Dans toute l’Europe, les agriculteurs malades des pesticides sont abandonnés à leur sort

« Agriculteurs intoxiqués » : « Les malades ont une réticence à se plaindre ou à porter plainte »

Investigative Reporting Denmark: Probing for a pesticides link to Parkinson’s disease

18th of February 2022:

IrpiMedia Italy: La zona grigia dell’agricoltura dei pesticidi

11th of March 2022

Le Monde: Face aux dangers des pesticides, des agriculteurs démunis

11th of April 2022:

El Mundo: Víctimas de los pesticidas: así enferman de Parkinson los agricultores españoles sin que nadie les proteja

27th of May 2022:

Investigative Reporting Denmark:

Ingen dansk viden om Parkinsons fra bekæmpelsesmidler

No knowledge, no data, no EU-coordination