145 risikovirksomheder i Danmark

Investigative Reporting Denmark offentliggør nu den samlede opdaterede liste over risikovirksomheder i Danmark. I dag er der 145 risikovirksomheder, hvoraf de 54 er de farlige kolonne-3 virksomheder, dvs. større lagre af olie, gas, fyrværkeri, kemikalier eller andet farligt indhold. Miljømyndighederne vedligeholder ikke selv en sådan liste over de virksomheder, der ifølge EU’s Sevesodirektiv og den danske risikobekendtgørelse er defineret som farlige virksomheder og som derfor kræver en særlig sikkerhedsgodkendelse og for de farligste (kolonne-3) også en beredskabsplan. Se Miljøstyrelsens beskrivelse af risikovirksomheder.

GMO lose Europe – victory for environmental organisations

Monsanto will halt production of genetically modified corn in all of Europe, except Spain, Portugal and Czech republic. The agribusiness multinational states not to spend any more money on trials, development, marketing, court cases or anything else to get GM corn accepted in Europe. Quiet decision last year
”In Europe Monsanto only sells GM corn in three countries. GM corn represents less than 1% of the EU’s corn cultivation by land area. Field trials are only in progress in three countries.


ICIJ publish impressive stories on offshore tax havens

After the biggest leak of documents ever to International Consortium of Investigative Journalists they have investigated tax havens. In total they have gone through 2,5 mio. emails and other documents about 130.000 people in 170 countries. [View the story “ICIJ publish impressive stories on offshore tax havens” on Storify]ICIJ publish impressive stories on offshore tax havensAfter the biggest leak of documents ever to International Consortium of Investigative Journalists they have investigated tax havens. In total they have gone through 2,5 mio.

Investigative journalism under pressure

Quality in-depth and investigative journalism are under threat in large parts of the Western world, and, unfortunately, Denmark is no exception. Established media which traditionally had the commitment and organizational power to undertake such reporting is under withering financial pressure.

IR-D: What we do and who we are

Investigative Reporting Denmark is an independent, non-profit centre for investigative journalism and ensuring openness and accountability in government and business. Our primary focus is on the most relevant stories that have the greatest impact on society.

IR-D vil samarbejde på tværs af landegrænser

Investigative Reporting Denmark er et uafhængigt non-profit center for undersøgende journalistik og åbenhed. Vi koncentrerer vores indsats om de mest væsentlige historier med stor betydning for samfundet. Med kritisk undersøgende journalistik afdækker vi magtmisbrug og systemsvigt.